Thursday, July 9, 2009

Discovery Children's Museum

Today, the Savage kids and I went to the Children's Discovery Museum in Salt Lake City. It was pretty good...the kids thought it was a lot of fun. I thought that they had some really good ideas but they really needed to do some upkeep. Lots of the electronic things they had to do were broken and lots of the other stuff needed repairs/replacements too. But the kids didn't seem to notice so they still had a good time.

Josh and Lindsay broadcasting the news. They had a teleprompter and multiple screens to watch the newscasters from different angles (some of the screens were broken but this one wasn't!)

Josh being the pilot of the Life Flight helicopter. Rachel was the paramedic and is sitting in the paramedic's seat until her patient arrives onboard.

There was a farming section with different vegetables (not really sure what you were supposed to do with them) and then they had this big horse that you could climb onto. L-R is Lindsay, Rachel and Josh.

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