Saturday, January 29, 2011

I've finally updated my blog!

Ha, fooled you - I didn't update this blog...yet.  But I did update my business/giveaway/craft blog! And I spent pretty much all day doing it.  It seems like a waste of time now that I look back but still I'm so excited about all I learned and accomplished! I created a button for people to add to their blogs that links to my blog, I created a signature for the end of my blog posts, and got a new background, updated my font, yadda yadda yadda. But don't let me bore you with the details - click over to my freshly updated blog using my brand-spanking-new button to the right of this post!

And PS I do promise I will update this blog too.  That's next.

[if this was my other blog my signature would appear here!]...coming soon for this blog!