Thursday, November 11, 2010

Etsy Love

So...I spend a lot of time on Etsy (  Way more than I should.  Way more than any person should.  And almost none of the time is spent updating my own site...maybe if I spent more time there than on other people's I would have more sales :]  But I just love looking at all the craftiness of others!  Some days, like today, I feel my Etsy surf time was totally worth it...because of great finds.  Today I stumbled across Jane Joss - the cutest Etsy site!  Look at the amazing things she makes!

How cute, right?
You can visit her at
I definitely want some of these cute decorations for my house when I have one!

Sometimes after looking through Etsy I feel down on myself for not being quite so crafty.  Most of the time I do nothing about it.  Tonight I decided to brighten my spirits by being crafty myself.  And I came up with this:

I feel a little less down on myself.  Maybe not quite so creative as Jane Joss but I love it nonetheless!  The best part?  $4 necklace find at a second-hand store + 2 handmade flowers = about $6.  What a deal!

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