Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Accessories!

Here's what I've been up to lately with my bow "business." I have yet to make my website popular but I'm hoping with my promotion going on and some websites featuring it, site visits will increase. Also, I'll be having a party at my sister's apartment where I'll sell bows and one at my other sister's house (if she'll let me...I haven't asked yet) and then one of my good friends, Amanda Moore, offered to let me host one at her house when I am home for the holidays! So for those of you living in Utah...check for Facebook invites soon and posts here for the parties and those of you in Sacramento prepared for a bow party in December! Anyway, lately, I've been loving making headbands! They are so fun and I love wearing them myself! Here's some of the things I've been making lately:

You can find these and more at my website: And don't forget about my promotion! For any item you purchase now through December 15, your name will be entered into a drawing for a giveaway of a basket of bows/headbands/etc. This means that for every set of bows you purchase, your name will be entered for each item in that set! Good luck and happy shopping! Spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy! Marci! I defintely want to come to your bow party. I love them allllll. This is a great hobby :)

    Love all the new posts, also!
