Friday, May 15, 2009

What happened??

I used to be so good at posting and now I forget to post all the time even when we do fun stuff. Just a quick update (and I'll try to be better about updating):

Only two more weeks until the kids I nanny are out of school and we can do fun summer stuff all day every day! The sad part of this is I only have one week and a half left with the little 2-year-old girl I nanny, Lia. She is the daughter of the Physician's Assistant and I knew from the beginning she would be getting her own nanny after the summer when her new brother comes (her dad is a teacher and has summer off so he will have her during the summer). So I'm awfully sad because I have definitely grown to love her. Here is the good news: My sister, Laurin, is going to be the new nanny!!! So HOORAH, I will still get to see Lia sometimes and I will always get to know how she is doing. That makes me so happy because I was so sad about not being her nanny any longer.

Last week, Thomas and I saw the movie "Taken" and we loved it! It was so good!--I don't even usually like action movies but this one was really great! We also went out to eat at Macaroni Grill last week (my favorite favorite!!) and I finally tried the pizza that I always say I'm going to try sometime and never do. It was good but, to me, Pizza is Pizza. It tastes the same almost anywhere. We did get a free dessert with a coupon we had and we chose some soooo yummy cheesecake!!! Delish.

Also, one of my best friends, Sabrina, got married today in the Boston temple. Congratulations, Sabrina PETTERSSON!! :]

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