Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!
After no luck in the camera department we had a yummy BBQ at our apartment with Laurin, Mark, and Emma. We had delicious hamburgers (thanks, Thomas and Mark), potato salad (my grandma's is WAY better than this store-bought stuff!), IBC Rootbeer (mmmm!), and cheesecake for dessert! I love BBQ's!
Maybe tonight we can do some more camera shopping. :] I really want a new camera before we head to California...IN TWO DAYS!--P.S. I love packing and am getting so anxious to start!!!
Can't wait to see everyone in California SOON.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
New Calling
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Time Together
Thomas and I had a fun Saturday, spending lots of time together doing fun things! In the morning, we watched our neice, Emma while her parents attended the temple. We always have fun playing with her! In the early afternoon, we went to the driving range (my suggestion!) I think I am getting a little better but let's just say it'll be awhile (and by awhile I mean never) before I'm nearly as good as Tom. He hits those golf balls SO far! Once we ran out of balls we rented, we did some putting practice with Thomas's own balls. We played a little game and Thomas beat me 7-3 but I'm just proud I got any points at all!
After our exploration through the brush, we went to the BYU library and each checked out two books. Let me tell you, it was quite an experience to ride our bikes home holding books in our hands (Thomas did a lot better than I at biking one-handed). We didn't get home from our bike ride until around 6:45. It was good exercise! For dinner, we enjoyed yummy sweet and sour pork with rice...I've never made it before but we really liked it!--and it was easy (my favorite part).
Oh, and while at BYU we walked around for awhile and I never knew this pretty place existed behind the JFSB! We've decided we want to have a picnic here sometime. BYU really does have such a nice campus!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Happy Two Years!
Here's what I remember about that day/weekend:
- Tom jumping on the counter (where Laurin was sitting) when he came to our house to give her a hug.
- Running upstairs and fixing my hair/makeup to look especially pretty.
- Tom coming by on Saturday night before a YSA dance...wanted to see if Laurin wanted to go (even though she was married she went...thinking back I'm a little confused. I'm not sure why you wanted to go, Laurin, but THANKS because it gave me the opportunity to go!)
- Hoping someone would invite me to tag along (I'm 18! I'm ALLOWED to go!...I remember thinking that.)
- Finally someone asking if I wanted to come along (YES YES YES)
- Sitting in the backseat on the WAY to the dance but in the front seat on the way back (YAY!)
- Laurin trying really hard to set us was awkward but it worked.
- After the dance, waiting with Laurin and Amanda for Tom while he talked to other girls (I was especially jealous even though I only really knew him for one day at this point). I remember constantly craning my neck to see what he was doing while Laurin and Amanda talked about high school.
- Back at the house after the dance having a sword fight with Tom (how mature)
- Texting for quite awhile after he left that night. I remember feeling especially pushy when I texted him because he hadn't given me his phone number. Laurin had given it to me (I think I asked for it) and I remember her convincing me to text him even though I felt it was too forward...I guess it wasn't.
- Seeing him in the foyer of the chapel on Sunday during my Sacrament Meeting (he didn't even attend church in the same building so I remember being quite suspicious). His excuse was that he had to go to the bathroom while driving past the church and so he stopped to use the church bathrooms. :] He came into the meeting and sat with our family during the remainder of Sacrament Meeting...and he stayed for Sunday school.
- Texting all day Monday (he worked, had a BBQ with his family, and went to a GIRL'S house for a party that night...and he had invited a girl he liked to come).
- Visiting him at work on Monday so Laurin could say goodbye before she headed back to Utah.
The rest is history. Fun memories! Thanks, dear sister, for a good set-up!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fight for the Cause
Thanks, Bloggers.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tom's new phone is cool and has a self timer and can stand on its own so we decided to take a picture:
Friday, May 15, 2009
What happened??
Only two more weeks until the kids I nanny are out of school and we can do fun summer stuff all day every day! The sad part of this is I only have one week and a half left with the little 2-year-old girl I nanny, Lia. She is the daughter of the Physician's Assistant and I knew from the beginning she would be getting her own nanny after the summer when her new brother comes (her dad is a teacher and has summer off so he will have her during the summer). So I'm awfully sad because I have definitely grown to love her. Here is the good news: My sister, Laurin, is going to be the new nanny!!! So HOORAH, I will still get to see Lia sometimes and I will always get to know how she is doing. That makes me so happy because I was so sad about not being her nanny any longer.
Last week, Thomas and I saw the movie "Taken" and we loved it! It was so good!--I don't even usually like action movies but this one was really great! We also went out to eat at Macaroni Grill last week (my favorite favorite!!) and I finally tried the pizza that I always say I'm going to try sometime and never do. It was good but, to me, Pizza is Pizza. It tastes the same almost anywhere. We did get a free dessert with a coupon we had and we chose some soooo yummy cheesecake!!! Delish.
Also, one of my best friends, Sabrina, got married today in the Boston temple. Congratulations, Sabrina PETTERSSON!! :]