My friend, Kallie, is visiting from Sacramento! We've been having so much fun! Kallie and I have been best friends since second grade! She flew in on Wednesday night and will be here until Sunday morning. On Wednesday, Kallie helped me make some punch for a bridal shower I am putting on for one of my friends (it's tomorrow!) and it was quite the adventure. I'm not sure exactly how much punch the recipe yields but let me tell you--it's a LOT. We started to make it and I didn't even have a bowl big enough to mix everything. We had to split it into two bowls and then it has to be frozen solid. Problem: this is what my refrigerator looked like BEFORE putting all the punch in...

Definitely no room! With those huge bowls of punch, we weren't sure how everything was going to fit. We decided to seperate the punch into a bunch of little tupperware containers. This is what we had to squeeze in:
Yikes! We ended up fitting everything (somehow). We threw away anything near expiration and threw out two tubs of ice cream with freezer burn. We also took out the ice trays and anything else "extra" and stuffed all the pizza pockets into the door of the freezer. I still can't believe everything fit! Even though it took us a long time to make the punch and rearrange the freezer, we had a fun time. Here's us:

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