Finally I am posting about our vacation!
Thomas and I took a short (4-day) trip to California for two of my little sisters' graduations. Jamie was promoted from the 8th grade to HIGH SCHOOL (so old!) and Kelli graduated high school. Here's a short (or maybe it will be long) synopsis of our trip.
Wednesday 05/27-We arrived in Sacramento at about 10pm...the plane ride was GREAT! I love plane rides and I think Thomas is pretty fond of them too. After arriving, we picked up my brother's car that we got to borrow during our trip (thanks, Ryan, for going on a mission and leaving your car behind!) and then went through the drive-thru of what other than IN N OUT. Mmmm. My taste buds have been craving In N Out for quite awhile! Wednesday night we stayed with Thomas's family (and we were up laaate--or later than usual).
Thursday 05/28-Thomas and I got to see our neice, Brittney's, play at school. It was so cute! Later, Kelli and I met up with Laura and Tarah Campbell and kids (we didn't get a picture!) at In N Out (twice in twelve hours)! We had so much fun! Kelli and I pretty much worship Laura and two are our idols. Not even kidding. After this, Tom played nintendo for awhile and I got quite bored watching him so I went to my parent's house and went swimming with Strider, Rosie (dogs), Chris, and Emma! We had a lot of fun! After nintendo, Thomas took some time to go golfing with his dad (he doesn't get to golf much out here since he has nobody to go with so he always looks forward to this part of our trips to CA). Thursday night we had dinner with Thomas's family (yummy stacked enchiladas!)
Friday 05/29-BUSY BUSY BUSY day! Jamie's graduation was in the morning (9am! Too early!). It was nice and short...only about 45 minutes! Jai looked so cute in her new dress and her nails to match! Here's the gorgeous graduate:

After Jai's graduation, we went to lunch at Leatherby's with my family (grandparents included) and had such a fabulous time! We loveeee Leatherby's. Tom's ice cream sundae was HUGE. I wish I would have taken a picture. I don't even think he finished half of it. Kelli's graduation started at 7 that night. Here she is marching to the graduation song:

Kelli was ASB president this year and also was Valedictorian! She got to lead the pledge and also give a speech. Her speech was so good! This graduation didn't last too long either...only about an hour and twenty minutes! So nice! It seemed like a long time to me though...poor Emma (Laurin's baby) was so tired from a long day and so little naptime and was screaming during the graduation (or should we just admit it was all day?) I was okay with missing Kelli walk up to grab her diploma since I got to see the speech and offered to take Emma out behind the stadium to try to get her to fall asleep. Here I am...way out there...walking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

She did eventually fall asleep after about twenty minutes but then Thomas came to get me when the graduation was over and as I was walking to meet the rest of the family someone blew an air horn RIGHT in Emma's ear (not on purpose but it might as well have been)! She woke up right away (all that work gone to waste!) and didn't get to sleep again until we got home an hour later.
Here's the happy graduate:

After Kelli's graduation, my parents took Thomas and I out to a late, late dinner at Chili's. Yummy yummy!
Saturday 05/30-In the morning, I went to the salon to get my hair cut (short!) but had a mental/emotional breakdown and couldn't do it. I let them cut one inch. I hope one of these days I'm brave enough to just DO IT. I cried for about a half hour after they cut off the one inch (what a baby I am)! Thomas's good friend, Sean, came to hang out with Thomas for awhile. They played the wii and went out to lunch at In N Out. Meanwhile, I went to lunch and the outlets with my good friends, Haley and Kallie. We're glad we were able to squeeze in some friend time with our busy schedule! Saturday night, Tom's whole family (or at least those who live in Sacramento) got together for dinner. It was so fun to get to see everyone! We can't wait until we can move back to Sacramento and get to do things like this more often than once every six months! It was so fun to watch all the little cousins playing outside with each other. I can't believe it but I didn't get even ONE picture of Tom's family. Nothing at all. I'm so bummed! After the get-together, Thomas and I went to Cory and Aly's house and got a chance to play Wii Fit! We LOVED it. In fact, I'm so addicted that I made the Savage's get theirs out today and I taught them how to play and we played for quite awhile! I'm so glad I'll get to play it over the summer! Thanks, Cory and Aly for introducing us to the FUN. Thomas was so funny hula-hooping that I had to get a video. You don't have to watch the whole video...a few seconds should give you the idea. SO FUNNY.
Sunday 05/31-Church in the afternoon then Laurin made a yummy dinner-mashed potatoes, citrus fried chicken, cheese rolls, and a salad with strawberries and nuts in it. Thanks, Laurin! We had to head back to the airport at about 4 :[ We were sad to leave but were glad we had such a fun time while we were in California! We were even more sad when we got to the Salt Lake City airport to find out that our ride forgot all about us!--nobody was there to pick us up. Yikes. We called our brother-in-law Mark and he so kindly came to get us so late (thank you, Mark). Thank goodness since we really didn't like being stranded at the airport...especially on a Sunday when we couldn't even buy food. :[ We had to wait about an hour to be picked up but we are so grateful that we were rescued! :]
We can't wait until December when we'll get to go back to our home sweet home!

My siblings (minus Ryan)

We miss you, Ryan!